
What we offer

Our goal is to enable heat pump manufacturers to build their own magnetocaloric heat pumps, for both heating and cooling applications. Therefore, we offer three products: Joint development of the heat pump system design, our revolutionary magnetocaloric material, and a heat transfer fluid to ensure a remarkably long lifespan.

Heat pump design

To empower a heat pump manufacturer to set foot into the field magnetocaloric heat pump design, Magneto offers to join forces. By collaborating with Magneto, you will benefit from our expertise, experience and network. Furthermore, a collaborative, integrated design approach ensures an optimized integration of our magnetocaloric material in your heat pump, for maximum heat pump performance.

Active Magnetic Regenerator

The magnetocaloric material forms the heart of a magnetocaloric heat pump – just like the compressor forms the heart of a vapor compression heat pump. We offer the only rare-earth-free magnetocaloric material on the market, allowing for mass scale production. We deliver the material fully assembled in a housing, called the Active Magnetic Regenerator (AMR). This allows for plug-and-play installation of the product in your heat pump.

Heat transfer fluid

To ensure a long lifetime of the magnetocaloric material and heat pump as  a whole, a heat transfer fluid formula was developed and patented. Depending on the application temperature, the fluid is primarily water based and harmless for the environment. Vapor compression heat pumps mainly rely on harmful refrigerants, which will be phased out globally over the next few years. Therefore, magnetocaloric heat pumps and refrigerators form an excellent replacement.


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Where we are

Located in the Leading Tech Incubator in Europe: YesDelft!


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